Mental and behavioural problems during childhood and adolescence are a serious publichealth concern. About half of all lifetime mental disorders begin before the age of 14 years. Worldwide prevalence rates for child and adolescent mental disorders are around 20% with similar types of disorders across cultures … the gap in mental-health services for children and adolescents with mental disorders is evident in virtually all countries at a time when the need has never been greater. (Belfer & Saxena, 2006 , p. 551) Clinical child psychology as a research and practice specialty of applied psychology seeks to investigate and remediate mental health problems for children, adolescents, and their families. Aspects of clinical child psychology are found in different countries with a broad range of populations, settings, problems, assessment, and intervention techniques. As noted in one defi nition, The research and practices of Clinical Child Psychology are focused on understanding, preventing, diagnosing, and treating psychological, cognitive, emotional, developmental, behavioral, and family problems of children. Of particular importance to clinical child and adolescent psychologists is a scientifi c understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents and how the family and other social contexts infl uence socioemotional adjustment, cognitive development, behavioral adaptation, and health status of children and adolescents. (Clinical Child Psychology Formal Specialty Defi nition, 2005) Several efforts and developments in the United States, as one example of formalizing the clinical child psychology specialty, include recognition as a specialty in professional psychology by the American Psychological Association (APA: Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Profi ciencies in Professional Psychology, 2009),