Section "Social work and counselling" 7002 based on ethical principles of social work, which include, in particular, nondiscrimination, equality and respect for diversity. The foster family has to become the leader of the position of equality in intergender relations and ensure the upbringing of children, free from the restrictions imposed on them by gender stereotypes. Given this, it is especially important for parents to master gender competencies. Therefore, the challenge is to develop gender-sensitive materials for use in the education of candidates for foster parents. Given the urgency of the problem, the purpose of the investigation was to carry out a gender analysis of the PRIDE's program for training foster parents, adapted by Ukrainian specialists. In the study with the help of qualitative and quantitative content analysis through gender «lenses» the following components of the program were considered: general content, explicit and implicit elements, language design, compositional structure, illustrations. Based on the analysis, the educational impact of the materials is highlighted. Open-ended observation of the work of trainers allowed to reveal a hidden curriculum. The author concludes that the program corresponds to a genderneutral position, but contains imprints of a stereotypical approach that can strengthen gender-harmful norms, mostly in the content of the program and in the trainer' interpretations. In order to disseminate the guidelines, adequate to modern ideas about the egalitarian model of the family, the author provides additional recommendations for making changes to the text of the program.