, 2165 (1983). A series of C-3 oxygcnated and unsubstituted (4,5)a, (4,5)P, (5,6)cu, and (5.6)P cpoxy stcroids has been prcparcd, and the reactions of these compounds with strong bases (potassium rert-butoxide, LDA, and LDEA) wcrc investigatcd. Only LDEA gavc rise to product formation; P climination of the cpoxidc to give a P-hydroxy olefin was obscrvecl in this case. The regioselcctivity of product formation is consistcnt with a mechanism of rcarrangcmcnt involving removal of a hydrogen locatcd syr~ to the epoxide oxygen. In some cascs, a dirccting influence from a polar substitucnt (OH) of the starting matcrial was also apparent. The '" nmr spectra of the steroidal cpoxidcs used in this study were assigned; these data are diagnostic of the confornlation of ring A of (4,5)cu and (4,5)P epoxy steroids.HERBERT L. HOLLAND et JAHANGIR. Can. J. Chcm. 61, 2165Chcm. 61, (1983 On a prCparC une serie d'Cpoxy stCroides du typc (4,5)cu, (4.5)P. (5,6)cu et (5,6)P oxygCnCs en position C-3 ct non substituks et on a CtudiC lcurs rkactions avec des bases fortes (rert-butylate de potassium, LDA et LDEA). Seulc la LDEA conduit h la formation de produits; on a observC dans ce cas une elimination P de I'Cpoxydc qui conduit la P-hydroxy olCfine. La rCgiosClectivitC de la formation du produit cst cn accord avec un mCcanismc de transposition qui impliquc une Climination d'hydrogtne situC en position syn de I'oxygtne de 1'Cpoxydc. On note Cgalcmcnt dans quelqucs cas, unc influcncc directrice du substituant polaire (OH) du produit de dCpart. On a identifit Ics spcctrcs de rmn du I3C des Cpoxy stCroidcs utilisdcs; ces donnkcs permettcnt de prCdirc la conformation du cycles A dcs ( 4 . 5 )~~ et (4.5)P Cpoxy stdro~des.[Traduit par Ic journal]The base catalysed rearrangement of epoxides to allylic alcohols, involving P-hydrogen abstraction (eq.