“…Because of their intrinsically high aspect ratio, high conductivity, superior optical transparency, and excellent flexibility, one-dimensional (1D) silver nanowires (AgNWs) have been extensively fabricated as flexible transparent electrodes for the development of next-generation soft wearable electronics. − The electrical percolation of an AgNW network, on the other hand, is heavily dependent on the effective point contact at NW–NW junctions. − The contact resistance ( R c ) at the NW–NW junction, according to Hu and colleagues, can reach 1 GΩ, which is substantially greater than the intrinsic resistance of AgNWs (260–320 Ω) . To substantially decrease R c at junctions, AgNW-based electrodes are usually post-treated with a variety of “welding” techniques, including mechanical pressing, thermal welding, plasmonic welding, chemical welding, , additives soldering, and capillary-force-induced welding, − to form a compact metallic conductive network . Contrary to other techniques that require harsh conditions like destructive high temperatures, devastating pressures, or expensive apparatus, capillary-force-induced welding is a simple, rapid, room-temperature, self-limited nanowelding process. − It has attracted great attention for reducing the R c in AgNW percolative networks since it can provide GPa-level pressure between two adjacent NWs. − During a typical process, distributed water droplets are introduced into the nanostructures of AgNWs, and the capillary force ( F ) is induced during the drying step, effectively welding the junctions to minimize the R c . − According to Liu et al, after capillary welding, the sheet resistance ( R s ) of a AgNW conductive film with an average diameter of 90 nm dramatically decreased from 2.25 × 10 5 to 179 Ω sq.…”