We propose a simple model of noncommutative geometry to describe the structure of the Standard Model, which satisfies spin c condition, has no fermion doubling, does not lead to the possibility of color symmetry breaking and explains the CP-violation as the failure of the reality condition for the Dirac operator.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe Standard Model of particle interactions is certainly one of the most successful and best tested theory about the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces between them.Even though we still have no satisfactory description of the strong interactions in low-energy regime and there are some puzzles concerning masses and character of neutrinos as well as there are some experimental signs that could point out to new physics, the Standard Model appears to be robust and verified. Yet neither the content of fermion sector, the mixing between the families and the fundamentally different character of the Higgs boson from other gauge bosons appear to have a satisfactory geometrical explanation.One of the few theories that aimed to provide a sound geometrical basis for the structure of the Standard Model, explaining the appearance of the Higgs and symmetry-breaking potential, was noncommutative geometry (see [1][2][3]). Constructed with the core idea that spaces with points can be replaced with algebras provided a plausible explanation of the gauge group of the Standard Model and the particles in its representation as linked to the unitary group of a finite-dimensional algebra. Merged with the Kaluza-Klein idea that the physical spacetime has extra dimensions, the geometry of the finite-dimensional algebra (in the noncommutative sense) gave rise to the Higgs field understood as a connection, and the Higgs symmetry-breaking potential appeared as the usual Yang-Mills term in the action.The original model, which is based on the construction of a product geometry, with the resulting geometry being the tensor product of a usual "commutative" space with the finitedimensional noncommutative geometry suffers from two problems. Firstly, in the original