We present a multi-reference configuration mixing scheme for describing ground and excited states, with well defined spin and space group symmetry quantum numbers, of the one-dimensional Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor hopping and periodic boundary conditions. Within this scheme, each state is expanded in terms of non-orthogonal and variationally determined symmetry-projected configurations. The results for lattices up to 30 and 50 sites compare well with the exact LiebWu solutions as well as with results from other state-of-the-art approximations. In addition to spin-spin correlation functions in real space and magnetic structure factors, we present results for spectral functions and density of states computed with an ansatz whose quality can be well-controlled by the number of symmetry-projected configurations used to approximate the systems with Ne and Ne ± 1 electrons. The intrinsic symmetry-broken determinants resulting from the variational calculations have rich structures in terms of defects that can be regarded as basic units of quantum fluctuations. Given the quality of the results here reported, as well as the parallelization properties of the considered scheme, we believe that symmetry-projection techniques, which have found ample applications in nuclear structure physics, deserve further attention in the study of low-dimensional correlated many-electron systems.