We propose a novel method to reconstruct event by event the full kinematics of the cascade decay process, h → τ + τ − → (π +ν )(π − ν), which allows us to measure the τ + τ − spin correlation, a measure of the CP property of the Higgs boson. By noting that the τ ± momenta lie on the plane spanned by the accurately measured impact parameter and momentum vectors of charged pions, we can obtain the most likely momenta of the two missing neutrinos by using the probability distribution functions of the p / T vector and the location of the primary vertex. A simple detector level simulation shows an excellent agreement between the reconstructed and the true kinematics, both in the τ + τ − and the π + π − rest frames. The method can be tested in Z → τ + τ − events, which should exhibit no correlation.CP property of the observed Higgs particle h(125) [1, 2] is a window of the physics of mass generation. In general the mass eigenstate h(125) can be a mixture of CP-even and CP-odd scalar particles. While only one CP-even scalar particle exists in the Standard Model (SM), many of its extensions not only modify the Higgs couplings to gauge bosons and fermions, but also predict additional scalars and pseudo-scalars. If the Higgs sector is CP conserving, all the neutral mass eigenstates should have definite CP parity. The pure CP eigenstate assumption has been investigated experimentally by both ATLAS and CMS collaborations [3][4][5], and the CP-odd hypothesis is disfavored by nearly 3σ.However, if the h(125) particle is a mixture of the CPeven and CP-odd states, the bound on the mixing parameter is rather weak and a large mixing in the Higgs sector is still allowed [6][7][8]. (For the recent review see [9] and references there in.) There are several channels that can be used to measure the CP property of h(125). The golden channel h → ZZ