“…No statistically significant effects for other factors of well-being (good mood and alertness). No statistically significant interaction between exposure and group of participants (IEI-EMF or controls) Barth [70] | 1 IEI-EMF | Mobile phone (no information about exposure level, only that the mobile phone was switched “on” or “off”) | 15 exposure trials, 16 sham trials; exposure duration and interval between trials not indicated;double-blind study | Verbal report of experiencing any of 4 symptoms during a trial: palpitations, chest pain, vertigo, prickling in the arm | No statistically significant effect of exposure |
Eltiti et al [21] | 44 IEI-EMF,114 controls | GSM 900 MHz, GSM 1800 MHz, UMTS base station signals; combined power flux density of 10 mW/m 2 for GSM signal, 10 mW/m 2 for UMTS signal | 2 exposure sessions to GSM (combined signal of GSM 900 and GSM 1800 frequencies) or UMTS signal and 1 sham session, each 50 min; sessions were separated by at least 1 week;double-blind study | Assigned scores on a 100-mm VAS for rating the severity of 6 symptoms (anxiety, tension, arousal, relaxation, discomfort, and fatigue); assigned levels on symptom scales consisting of a list of 57 symptoms extracted from the Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Questionnaire [6] | For individuals with IEI-EMF: elevated levels of arousal when exposed to a UMTS signal ( p < 0.0025), likely due to a non-balanced design (45% of participants had UMTS exposure in the first of the three sessions): no statistically significant effect when conditions were compared for each session separately; no statistically significant effect for the 6 other items of subjective well-being, nor for symptoms |
Furubayashi et al [36] | 11 IEI-EMF, 43 controls | 2.14 GHz WCDMA base station signal with power density of 0.265 W/m 2 ; EF at the subjects’ head: 10 V/m, calculated brain SAR 10g peak : 0.0078 W/kg | 1 session with continuous exposure, 1 session with intermittent exposure with EMF turned “on” and “off” randomly every 5 min (50% of the time "on"), 1 sham session, 1 noise session, each 30 min; two sessions on 1 day; sessions were separated by at least 2 h;double-blind study | Assigned level of discomfort on a 5-point scale; assigned scores on a 5-point scale in the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire [71] for rating the severity of 6 states of mood (tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, depression, vigor, fatigue, confusion) | No statistically significant effect of exposure |
Hietanen et al [57] | 20 IEI-EMF | Analogue 900 MHz NMT phone (output power: 1 W), digital GSM phone 900 MHz (output power: 0.25 W), digital GSM phone 1800 MHz (output power: 0.125 W); power densities: 2–200 W/m 2 | 3 exposure sessions to different signals, 1 sham session, each 30 min; sessions were separated by at least 60 min;double-blind study | Verbal report of any symptoms and sensations experienced during a trial | Higher number of symptoms was reported for the sham condition than for any of the RF exposures. Statistical significance ( p < 0.05) of this effect was explicitly specified only for men. |
Hillert et al [39] | 38 IEI-EMF, 33 controls | 884 MHz GSM mobile phone-like signal, head (calculated): SAR 10g average... |