Linguistics as a science is constantly developing and expanding its boundaries, including in its competence all new objects of research. One of such objects is a creolized text, which is a special kind of communicative phenomenon consisting of signs of different semiotic systems. Creolized text is actively used in various spheres of public life, including advertising, media, art, education, etc. The article is devoted to the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics. The object of research in this article is a creolized text. The purpose of this article is to consider the creolized text as an object of study in linguistics through the analysis of published studies. The methodological basis and material of the study were the classical works of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of text theory, paralinguistics, semiotics, communicative linguistics and linguoculturology, as well as recent studies, the object of study of which were creolized or polycode texts. The author defines the concept of a creolized text, highlights the specific characteristics of a creolized text compared to a single-code text, describes the main scientific approaches to the analysis of a creolized text and research methods. The article presents an overview of classical scientific works devoted to the analysis of creolized text, as well as studies published in recent years. The author concludes that the creolized text is a complex and multifaceted object of study in linguistics, which reflects the trends in the development of modern society and culture and allows expanding the boundaries of linguistic knowledge and understanding of language as a means of communication.