According to WHO (World Health Organization) the mortality rate of toddlers in 2013 was still high reaching 6.3 million people. The highest underfive mortality occurs in developing countries as much as 92% or 29,000 toddlers / day. Under-five deaths are mostly caused by infectious diseases such as pneumonia (15%), diarrhea (9%), and malaria (7%). 4 According to WHO in 2017, about 15% of deaths of children under 5 years old due to pneumonia were 808 694 children. 4 Based on the WHO report (2019), that the incidence of pneumonia in 2017 that the death of children under five years due to pneumonia was caused by many risk factors including underweight children as many as 425,927 deaths, indoor air pollution as many as 229,857 deaths, stunting as many as 119,037 deaths, vitamin A deficiency as many as 52,862 deaths, smoking as many as 61,348 deaths). 1 Maternal deaths are estimated to occur around 810 women die every day from preventable causes during pregnancy and childbirth. 94% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries. MMR in the world is 303,000 people. 1 MMR in ASEAN is 235 per 100,000 live births. 5 Maternal mortality in Indonesia is quite high, which is more than seven thousand cases in 2021 or the maternal mortality rate reaches 228 per 100 thousand live births. 3 The gap in maternal mortality in several countries is the basis for agreement for sustainable development Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) involving 193 countries. 6 The SDGs target by 2030 to reduce maternal mortality to below 70 per 100,000 live births. Based on the SDGs monitoring report for the Southeast Asia region, MMR is still at 176 per 100,000 live births. This figure is still far from the 2030 SDGs target. 6 Based on data from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), MMR for the period 1991-2007 decreased from 390 to 228 per 100,000 KH, and MMR in the 2012 IDHS increased, namely 359 per 100,000 KH. According to the