respect to demographic variables, anaesthetic technique, drug dosage, duration of anaesthesia and sur-A double-blind randomized study was performed in gery. Patients in the suggestion group suffered 100 patients undergoing thyroidectomy to evaluate significantly less from post-operative nausea or vomthe effect of positive therapeutic suggestions made iting (suggestion: 47.2% vs. control: 85.7%) and reduring neurolept-anaesthesia. The classic droperidolquired less anti-emetic treatment (suggestion: 30.6% fentanyl-N 2 O technique was used as these drugs prevs. control: 68.6%). We conclude that therapeutic sugserve the neurophysiological functions required to gestions heard during neurolept-anaesthesia are proprocess the information in the therapeutic suggestions cessed and decrease post-operative nausea and given during general anaesthesia. Patients in the sugvomiting in patients after thyroidectomy. gestion group heard positive non-affirmative suggestions during the whole operation. An autoreverse Keywords: post-operative nausea and vomiting;therapeutic suggestions, neurolept-anaesthesia, dro-tape player was used. The control group listened to an empty tape. Both groups were comparable with peridol.