Sciences (IPM), IranL1 instruction (L1-I) cache misses are a source of performance bottleneck. Sequential prefetchers are simple solutions to mitigate this problem; however, prior work has shown that these prefetchers leave considerable potentials uncovered. This observation has motivated many researchers to come up with more advanced instruction prefetchers. In 2011, Proactive Instruction Fetch (PIF) showed that a hardware prefetcher could effectively eliminate all of the instruction-cache misses. However, its enormous storage cost makes it an impractical solution. Consequently, reducing the storage cost was the main research focus in the instruction prefetching in the past decade.Several instruction prefetchers, including RDIP and Shotgun, were proposed to offer PIF-level performance with significantly lower storage overhead. However, our findings show that there is a considerable performance gap between these proposals and PIF. While these proposals use different mechanisms for instruction prefetching, the performance gap is largely not because of the mechanism, and instead, is due to not having sufficient storage. Prior proposals suffer from one or both of the following shortcomings: (1) a large number of metadata records to cover the potential, and (2) a high storage cost of each record. The first problem causes metadata-miss, and the second problem prohibits the prefetcher from storing enough records within reasonably-sized storage.In this paper, we make the case that the key to designing a powerful and cost-effective instruction prefetcher is choosing the right metadata record and microarchitecting the prefetcher to minimize the storage. We find that high spatial correlation among instruction accesses leads to compact, accurate, and minimal metadata records. We also show that chaining these records is an effective way to enable robust and timely prefetching. Based on the findings, we propose MANA, which offers PIF-level performance with 15.7× lower storage cost. MANA outperforms RDIP and Shotgun by 12.5 and 29%, respectively. We also evaluate a version of MANA with no storage overhead and show that it offers 98% of the peak performance benefits.CCS Concepts: • Computer systems organization → Architectures.