The first decades of the 21st century give enough reason to say that the factor of innovation will play a decisive role in all areas of socio-economic development. The growing importance of innovation in food security at the global and national levels is increasingly recognized. The competitiveness and overall efficiency of agro-industrial activities are directly related to the opportunities for innovative development. Realization of innovative potential at the national and regional levels to some extent depends on the characteristics of incentives. Innovative development in agro-industrial areas requires the study of financial incentives. In most countries, innovation is stimulated in the agro-industrial sectors, especially in agriculture. The formation of an effective system of financial incentives for innovation in these areas requires the study of scientific, theoretical and experimental problems. This article discusses the relevant topical issues.
Purpose:the main purpose of the study is to study topical theoretical and practical problems of the formation and development of a system of financial incentives for innovation in the agro-industrial sectors, to identify the possibilities for their solution, and to substantiate the necessary theoretical provisions.
Methodology:in the course of the study, the main principles of innovative development and ensuring national food security were touched upon, and the increasing strategic importance of innovative agro-industrial activities was explained. In preparing the article, observation methods, monographic, economic and statistical, the method of scientific abstraction, and logical generalization were used. When studying the topic, the works of economists on the topic were used.
Scientific novelty:the main scientific innovation achieved in the article is the characteristics of the system of financial incentives for innovative agro-industrial activities and the definition of conditions in order to create a favorable environment for investing in this activity.