Given an algebraic variety we get Puiseux type parametrizations on suitable Reinhardt domains. These domains are defined using the amoeba of hypersurfaces containing the discriminant locus of a finite projection of the variety.
1.-IntroductionThe theory of complex algebraic or analytic singularities is the study of systems of a finite number of equations in the neighborhood of a point where the rank of the Jacobian matrix is not maximal. These points are called singular points.Isaac Newton in a letter to Henry Oldenburg [12], described an algorithm to compute term by term local parameterizations at singular points of plane curves. The existence of such parameterizations (i.e. the fact that the algorithm really works) was proved by Puiseux [13] two centuries later. This is known as the Newton-Puiseux theorem and asserts that we can find local parametric equations of the form z 1 = t k , z 2 = ϕ(t) where ϕ is a convergent power series.Singularities of dimension greater than one are not necessarily parameterizable. In this paper we prove that, for every connected component of the complement of the amoeba of the discriminant locus of a projection of an algebraic variety, there exist local Puiseux parametric equations of the variety. The series appearing in those parametric equations have support contained in cones which can be described in terms of the connected components of the complement of the amoeba. These cones are not necessarily strongly convex.The
2.-Polyhedral convex conesA set σ ⊆ R N is said to be a convex rational polyhedral cone when it can be expressed in the form σ = {λ 1 u (1) + λ 2 u (2) + · · · + λ M u (M ) | λ j ∈ R ≥0 },