Differential scanning calorimetry has revealed the presence of a new denaturation endotherm at 32°C following UV irradiation of collagen, compared with 39°C for the native triple helix. Kinetic analyses showed that the new peak was a previously unknown intermediate state in the collagen helix-coil transition induced by UV light, and at least 80% of the total collagen was transformed to random chains via this state. Its rate of formation was increased by hydrogen peroxide and inhibited by free radical scavengers. SDS-polyacrylamide gels showed evidence of competing reactions of crosslinking and random primary chain scission. The crosslinking was evident from initial gelling of the collagen solution, but there was no evidence for a dityrosine cross-link. Primary chain scission was confirmed by end group analysis using fluorescamine. Electron microscopy showed that the segment long spacing crystallites formed from the intermediate state were identical to the native molecules. Clearly, collagen can undergo quite extensive damage by cleavage of peptide bonds without disorganizing the triple helical structure. This leads to the formation of a damaged intermediate state prior to degradation of the molecules to short random chains.Studies of the effect of UV radiation on the properties of the collagen molecule, in solution or in its aggregated fiber form, are rather limited. It has been reported that cross-linking and degradation (1) occur on exposure to UV, the relative proportions depending on the presence of oxygen, pH of solution, type of collagen, and wavelength of the UV.These effects have been attributed to absorption by the aromatic groups, phenylalanine and tyrosine, with the suggestion that cross-linking could be mediated through dityrosine crosslinks (2), although no detailed chemistry has been carried out to demonstrate the presence of this cross-link. For example, Kato et al. (3) reported loss of tyrosine and cross-linking in both type I and IV collagens but could not detect dityrosine, only DOPA.1 Kaminska and Sionkowska (4) demonstrated that the infrared amide bands were shifted to a lower frequency, indicating that structural changes were taking place in the molecule. They also deduced that helix-random coil transitions were taking place by reduction in the viscosity (5). Much earlier, Bailey (6) had shown that ionizing-radiation (cobalt 60) reduced the denaturation temperature of collagen solutions in a biphasic manner, and Hayashi et al. (7) reported a similar biphasic phenomenon when collagen was irradiated with UV light during CD measurements.The collagen family of proteins (currently 20) constitute 25% of the total protein mass of the body and determine architecture, tissue strength, and cell-collagen interactions. A characteristic feature of collagen is the triple helical structure of three left-handed polyproline type helices twisted into a righthanded superhelix. The formation of such a structure is due to the repeating sequence Gly-X-Y, where X and Y are often proline and hydroxyproline, respec...