In order to investigate the influence of the compaction degree (Dc) of the backfill material and spacing of the transverse members (S) on the pullout resistance of a square-shaped geocell, a series of pullout tests were conducted on small scale models using square-shaped geocells with varying spacing between transverse members at a constant height. The geocells were embedded independently in a sandy backfill material and three gravelly backfill materials, varying the compaction degree (Dc) between 88% and 100%. All the tests were subjected to a 1 kPa surcharge. The results show that a higher compaction degree (Dc) yields a higher pullout capacity of the square-shaped geocell. It was also found that the overall pullout resistance of the square-shaped geocell is affected by the particle size of the backfill material, in which larger soil particles provide a larger pullout resistance. The findings also indicate that the spacing between transverse members becomes crucial when increasing the soil particle size, due to larger spacings can more efficiently accommodate larger soil particles and therefore mobilize its maximum pullout resistance. It is important to note that indefinitely increasing the spacing of the transverse members does not lead to an increment in the overall peak pullout resistance, since each material fully develops maximum pullout resistance at a given spacing, upper limit beyond which a larger spacing will not contribute to the development of larger pullout forces.