Background: We studied the diagnostic accuracy of B-lines (comet-tail sign) on bedside lung US, NT-proBNP, E/e` on ECHO in differentiation of the causes of acute dyspnea in the emergency setting. Major advantages include bedside availability, no radiation, high feasibility and reproducibility, and cost efficiency. Methods: Our prospective study was performed at the alazhar university hospital, Cairo, Egypt, between July 2019 and March 2020. All patients underwent lung ultrasound examinations, along with TTE, laboratory testing, including rapid NT-proBNP testing. Results: The median E/e’ levels in patients with B-profile were 18, compared with a median of 7.4 in the subjects with A-profile (P =< 0.0001 CI = -9.649 to -7.044). It was found that the sensitivity and the specificity of detecting B-profile on ultrasound is high when E/e’ > 15.5 (95.0% and 83.0% consecutively), which concluded the high correlation between finding B profile on U/S chest and elevated left ventricle filling pressure in a patient presenting with picture of suggestive of heart failure Conclusion: Chest ultrasound can be used as screening test for the evaluation of patients with suspicion of heart failure with excellent sensitivity and good specificity.