Results. Mean LA volume was 75±40 ml. A normal anatomy (4 PVs) was documented in 40 (53%) patients, an abnormal anatomy (common truncus or accessory PVs) in 35 patients. Mean procedural and fluoroscopy times were 94 ± 55 minutes and 8 ± 5 minutes, respectively, without significant differences among patients with normal or abnormal anatomy (92±45 min vs 95±64 min, p=0.85 and 6±3 min vs 8±4 min, p=0.65, respectively).Mean ablation time was 14 3 min, 99% of the targeted veins were isolated with a mean of 23±5 RF pulses per patient. After a mean follow-up of 17±8 months, 23(31%) patients had an atrial arrhythmia recurrence. Neither LA volume nor PV anatomy were predictors of outcome.Conclusions. LA volume and PV anatomy did not effect procedural data and outcome in patients who underwent PV isolation by an open-irrigated mapping and RF decapolar ablation catheter.3