The structure of ␣-hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP), a molecular chaperone for free ␣-hemoglobin, has been determined using NMR spectroscopy. The protein native state shows conformational heterogeneity attributable to the isomerization of the peptide bond preceding a conserved proline residue. The two equally populated cis and trans forms both adopt an elongated antiparallel three ␣-helix bundle fold but display major differences in the loop between the first two helices and at the C terminus of helix 3. Proline to alanine single point mutation of the residue Pro-30 prevents the cis/ trans isomerization. The structure of the P30A mutant is similar to the structure of the trans form of AHSP in the loop 1 region. Both the wild-type AHSP and the P30A mutant bind to ␣-hemoglobin, and the wild-type conformational heterogeneity is quenched upon complex formation, suggesting that just one conformation is the active form. Changes in chemical shift observed upon complex formation identify a binding interface comprising the C terminus of helix 1, the loop 1, and the N terminus of helix 2, with the exposed residues Phe-47 and Tyr-51 being attractive targets for molecular recognition. The characteristics of this interface suggest that AHSP binds at the intradimer ␣ 1  1 interface in tetrameric HbA.␣-Hemoglobin stabilizing protein (AHSP), 1 previously named EDRF (erythroid differentiation-related factor), was originally identified as a protein that showed a decrease in expression in the hematopoietic tissues of rodents and cattle infected with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (1). EDRF was renamed AHSP after it was found that it binds specifically to ␣-hemoglobin in vitro (2). AHSP knock-out mice show erythrocyte abnormalities similar to those observed in -thalassemia (2), and loss of AHSP aggravates the -thalassemia phenotype in mice (38). -Thalassemia is characterized by a reduction in the synthesis of -globin chains. Consequently, the ␣-chains are in excess, and some of them precipitate, leading to defective red blood cells that determine the pathophysiology of -thalassemia syndromes. The in vivo and in vitro data therefore both suggest that AHSP acts as a molecular chaperone for free ␣-hemoglobin (2, 3).Both AHSP and ␣-hemoglobin are monomeric in solution and bind each other with an association constant of 1 ϫ 10 7 M
Ϫ1forming a complex with a 1:1 stoichiometry (4). The aim of the present study was to structurally characterize the AHSP-␣-hemoglobin interaction to understand the molecular basis of the AHSP function and its role as a hemoglobin chaperone. We have demonstrated by NMR that the AHSP native state is conformationally heterogeneous in solution and have identified the dynamic source of this behavior as a cis/trans isomerization of residue Pro-30. The slow time scale of this phenomenon allowed us to determine the high resolution three-dimensional structure of the two conformations of the wild-type AHSP under conditions where both conformations are equally populated. We were able to quench the c...