: This study investigates differences in fashion products attributes, mobile shopping mall attributes, impulse buying behavior, and satisfaction according to mobile shoppingconsumption value. The findings provide new information on marketing strategy for mobile shopping malls. A total of 283 usable questionnaires were obtained from college students. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis, factor analysis, and ANOVA using SPSS 21.0 for Windows. The results were as follows. First, according to the consumption value, consumer were classified into 3 groups: social/functional oriented, indifference and epistemic/emotional oriented. Second, the conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered utility and exhibition more important in regards to fashion products attributes for the consumption value group, the personality pursuit group also considered aesthetics and utility more important than other groups. Third, conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered continuous management more importantin regards to the importance ofmobile shopping mall attributes for the consumption value group, the personality pursuit group considered informationexchange more important than the other groups. Fourth, the conspicuous-functional pursuit group and Personality pursuit group considered impulse purchase behavior more important than the emotionalpursuit group. The conspicuous-functional pursuit group considered satisfaction after impulse purchase behavior more important than other groups.