We describe a phase-locked loop of a backward-wave oscillator in the range 667-857 GHz for the 34th-45th harmonic of the reference signal of a centimeter-wave synthesizer. Multiplication of the reference-synthesizer frequency in the phase-locked loop is performed by using a subharmonic mixer based on semiconductor superlattices. The mixer, operated at room temperature, has a nonlinear electron conductance.Great interest in the terahertz range, shown by many researchers, is stipulated by new possibilities of studies, primarily in the field of microwave spectroscopy of high and superhigh resolution. Development of new terahertz devices also stimulates radio-astronomical studies to a considerable extent [1,2].At present, studies in the field of microwave and radio spectroscopy are restricted by the limited access to terahertz devices. First of all, this is related to the fact that until recently, effective sources and detectors of terahertz radiation have been absent. The majority of terahertz sources had either low intensity, as thermal sources, or were bulky and not tunable with respect to frequency, as molecular lasers. The only source of wideband coherent radiation, a backward-wave oscillator (BWO), operates at frequencies of up to 1250 GHz. Recently, a spectrometer based on a femtosecond laser [3] and capable of solving various problems such as spectroscopy of biological molecules [4], liquids [5,6], and solids [7,8] has been developed. The spectral resolution of such spectrometers does not exceed 1 GHz, which is insufficient for high-resolution spectroscopy.The necessary condition for achieving high and superhigh resolution in spectroscopy is the presence of a source of radiation with a narrow spectrum and exact setting of the radiation frequency. The spectroscopic requirements to the parameters of the frequency and spectrum of a high-quality radiation source are usually determined by the necessity to resolve the Doppler line broadening (of the order of 10 −6 ) and to measure the frequencies of spectral lines and the shifts of their centers with accuracy up to 10 −8 -10 −10 . Development of terahertz sources with a narrow spectrum and exact setting of the frequency with the subsequent transfer of the radiation frequency to the high-frequency region of the terahertz range by multiplication is now a topical problem.The main part of such a terahertz source is a frequency synthesizer which is a system of successive multiplication (based on phase locking of oscillators of various ranges) of the frequency of a reference synthesizer operated, as a rule, in the centimeter-wave range. The submillimeter-wave synthesizer described for the first time in [9] and operated at frequencies of up to 840 GHz has 6 loops of frequency multiplication. Usually, planar semiconductor Schottky diodes are used as a nonlinear element in harmonic mixers of