Two forms of prolactin (tiPRLI and tiPRLII), with only 69% sequence identity, have been previously described in the cichlid fish tilapia (Oreochromis species). In the present study we have attempted to investigate the biological activity of these two prolactin forms during adaptation to a hyperosmotic environment. For this purpose, we have developed two highly sensitive (sensitivity: 0.05 ng/ml) and specific (cross-reactivity < 0.04%) radioimmunoassays for tiPRLI and tiPRLII, using recombinant hormones. When fish were directly transferred from fresh to brackish water, the measured levels of plasma tiPRLI and tiPRLII dropped abruptly until 12 h after transfer. Thereafter, plasma tiPRLII remained stable (around 0.5 ng/ml) until the end of the experiment, whereas plasma tiPRLI continued to decrease to undetectable levels. These different patterns of change are reflected in the calculated ratio of plasma tiPRLII to tiPRLI, which increased from 2-3 in fresh water-adapted fish to over 10 in fish which had spent 3 days or more in brackish water. The pituitary contents of tiPRLI and tiPRLII varied in a qualitatively similar fashion after transfer to brackish water. The tiPRLI content dropped continuously after 12 h, reaching one-twelfth of its initial level after 2 weeks. The pituitary tiPRLII content, on the other hand, did not decrease significantly until day 7, and after a 2-week exposure to brackish water it had only decreased by 50%. When injected into tilapia adapted to brackish water, both ovine prolactin and recombinant tiPRLI induced a clear dose-dependent ion-retaining effect. In contrast, the effect induced by tiPRLII treatment was markedly smaller and not dose-dependent. Northern blot analysis of tiPRL mRNAs using either a tiPRLI or a tiPRLII cDNA probe indicated the presence of two mRNAs differing in size: a 1.7 kb mRNA coding for tiPRLI and a 1.3 kb mRNA coding for tiPRLII. After transfer to brackish water, levels of the two mRNAs decreased similarly. The present study indicates that, in O. niloticus, the two forms of prolactin have different osmoregulatory roles during adaptation to brackish water. Accordingly, their synthesis are differentially regulated after transfer to a hyperosmotic environment, presumably at a post-transcriptional level.