De part ment of Bio chem is try, War saw Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, A proline iminopeptidase (EC. was iso lated from shoots of 3 day old seed lings. The pu ri fi ca tion pro ce dure consisted of 5 steps: acid pre cip i ta tion, gel fil tra tion on Sephadex G-200, ion-ex change chro ma tog ra phy on Sepharose CL 6B, twice re peated hy dro pho bic chro ma tog ra phy on PhenylSepharose HP. The en zyme was pu ri fied 404.8-fold, with the spe cific ac tiv ity of 8.5 units·mg -1 of pro tein with re cov ery yield of 3 %. The pu ri fied en zyme had a mo lec u lar mass of 225 kDa es ti mated by gel fil tra tion and 55.4 kDa by SDS PAGE. This in di cates that na tive en zyme is com posed of four subunits. The en zyme was spe cific for proline β-naphtylamide among var i ous amino acid β-naphtylamides.An op ti mal ac tiv ity was ob served at 37 °C at pH 7.75. The enzyme was thermostable up to 37 °C for 30 min. The en zyme was strongly in hib ited by pHMB, E-64, heavy metal ions and par tially by PMSF, DFP. The re sults sug gest that cysteine and serine res i dues may par tic i pate in the en zyme activity.List of ab bre vi a tions: 2-ME, 2-mercaptoethanol PAGE, polyacrylamide gel elec tro pho re sis; SDS-PAGE, so dium dodecyl sul fate-polyacrylamide gel elec tro pho re sis; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; E-64, transepoxysuccinyl-L-leucyloamido-(4-gua nidino)bu tane; pHMB, p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid; βNA, β-naphthylamide;
PMSF, phenyl methylsulfonyl flu o ride; DFP, diisopropyl fluorophosphate
In tro duc tionPlant amino pep ti das es cat a lyze the hy dro ly sis of pep tide bonds on N-ter mi nus of pep tide sub strates (Varshavsky and Byrd 1997, Schaller 2004). Great di ver sity of these en zymes in terms of ki netic and mo lec u lar prop er ties, sub-cel lu lar lo cal iza tion and met a bolic func tions was a base for in tro duc ing vari ous clas si fi ca tion sys tems. One of them dis tinguishes neu tral, acidic and ba sic amino pep ti das es (Tay lor 1993). Neu tral amino pep ti das es is a common, abun dant en zyme group in all liv ing or ganisms with op ti mum pH 6.5 -7.5, In terms of substrate pref er ences neu tral amino pep ti das es have been di vided into three sub groups. The first consists of en zymes show ing the high est af fin ity to sub strates with leucine, ty ro sine, tryptophane and phenylalanine on N-ter mi nus. They are mono mers with mo lec u lar mass in range of 56 -76 kDa and belong to cysteine en zymes (Couton et al. 1991, Yama oka et al. 1994. The sec ond sub group consists of amino pep ti das es pre fer ring sub strates with alanine or leucine on N-ter mi nus. They are metalloenzymes with mo lec u lar mass vary ing from 517