Oxaloacetate decarboxylase from Klebsiella aerogenes was shown to be composed of three different subunits a, b, y with M , 65 000, 34000 and 12000, respectively. On dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gels the smallest of these subunits was heavily stained with silver but poorly with Coomassie brilliant blue. All three subunits were resolved and clearly detectable by high-performance liquid chromatography in a dodecylsulfate-containing buffer. Biotin was localized exclusively in the a chain.Freezing and thawing of the isolated membranes in the presence of 1 M LiCl released the a chain which was subsequently purified to near homogeniety by affinity chromatography on monomeric avidin-Sepharose. No p or y chain were detectable in this a chain preparation and no oxaloacetate decarboxylation was catalyzed. The isolated a chain, however, was a catalytically active carboxyltransferase as evidenced from the isotopic exchange between [l-'4C]pyruvate and oxaloacetate. The rate of this exchange reaction was about 9 U/mg protein and was completely independent of the presence of N a + ions. The ease with which the a chain was released from the membrane characterize this subunit as a peripheral membrane protein. The p and y chain, on the other hand, stick so firmlyin the membrane that they are only released by detergents, thus indicating that these are integral membrane proteins. Limited tryptic digestion of oxaloacetate decarboxylase led to a rapid cleavage of the a chain, yielding a polypeptide of M , 52 000 which was devoid of biotin. Degradation of the p chain required prolonged incubation periods and was markedly influenced by Na' ions which had a protective effect against proteolysis. A proton is required in the decarboxylation of oxaloacetate and C 0 2 arises as primary product. The other alternative, i. e. generation of HCO; with H 2 0 as substrate, has been excluded.The sodium transport decarboxylases constitute a unique group of vectorial catalysts converting the chemical energy of decarboxylation reactions into electrochemical gradients of Na [6] were also shown to be sodiumtransport decarboxylases. These three enzymes are remarkably similar in many properties, e. g. in their localization in the cell membrane, the specific activation by Na' ions and in containing biotin as a prosthetic group. Carboxylation of this prosthetic group by carboxyl transfer is the first step in the overall reaction and has been demonstrated for oxaloacetate decarboxylase to be independent of Na' ions [7]. The N1-carboxybiotin enzyme intermediate is subsequently decarboxylated in an Naf-dependent reaction and this drives the uphill transport of Na' ions through the membrane.The biotin prosthetic group of the sodium-transport decarboxylases has tremendously facilitated the purification of these enzymes which is achieved by affinity chromatography on monomeric avidin-Sepharose columns [5, 81. Dodecylsulfate