In the present study, sufu, an oriental fermented product of soybeans, was prepared by ripening the tofu cubes in Aspergillus oryzae fermented rice-soybean koji mash for 16 days at 37 °C. The sufu product was further kept at room temperature for another 30 days. Examining the changes in the sugar content revealed that stachyose, raffinose, and sucrose contents of tofu and rice-soybean koji granules decreased while levels of glucose and fructose increased during the ripening period and after storage. Glucose was the most abundant sugar detected. Four organic acids, including oxalic, lactic, acetic, and citric acid, were detected in the sufu product and koji granules after ripening. Generally, the contents of these organic acid increased as the ripening period was extended. Among them, acetic acid was the most highly detected.