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ABSTRACTThe goal of our research was to develop technologies and techniques in support of real-time systems for the defense community. Our research focused on Real-Time Java implementation and analysis techniques. Real-Time Java is important for the defense community because it holds out the promise of enabling developers to apply COTS Java technology to specialized military embedded systems. It also promises to allow the defense community to utilize a large Java-literate workforce for building defense systems.Our research has delivered several techniques that may make Real-Time Java a better platform for developing embedded systems. These techniques include ways to implement scoped memories (a key Real-Time Java construct) without the possibility of introducing unexpected and potentially catastrophic delays in the execution of real-time threads, analyses that ensure the correct use of Real-Time Java scoped memories, analyses that compute how much memory is required to execute a given Real-Time Java program (potentially helping developers calculate how much memory must be including in a given system to ensure that the system will execute without running out of memory), and optimizations that reduce the amount of memory required to execute a Real-Time Java program.