Herein, we present
a study of the short contacts that several heterocycles
of the same family, namely, succinic and maleic anhydrides, maleimide,
and succinimide establish in their condensed phases. DFT calculations
on model systems in the gas phase have allowed us to calibrate the
strength of such interactions, obtaining associated energies up to
2 kcal/mol. We have performed MEP and EDA analysis to unveil their
nature, which is mainly electrostatic with some London dispersion
contribution. Furthermore, the origin of the interaction is the existence
of a charge depletion region (a π-hole) in the inner part of
the rings. This hole interacts with a Lewis base in a precise topological
way, with the contacts showing a high directionality as revealed by
the analysis of hundreds of crystal structures. We believe that the
description for the first time of these interactions, along with their
abundance, can assist their use as a tool in crystal design.