The invasion and subsequent establishment in California of in Aedes aegypti 2013 has created new challenges for local mosquito abatement and vector control districts. Studies were undertaken to identify effective and economical strategies to monitor the abundance and spread of this mosquito species as well as for its control. Overall, BG Sentinel (BGS) traps were found to be the most sensitive trap type to measure abundance and spread into new locations. Autocidal-Gravid-Ovitraps (AGO-B), when placed at a site for a week, performed equally to BGS in detecting the presence of female Ae. aegypti. Considering operational cost and our findings, we recommend use of BGS traps for surveillance in response to service requests especially in locations outside the known infestation area. We recommend AGO-Bs be placed at fixed sites, cleared and processed once a week to monitor mosquito abundance within a known infestation area. Long-term high density placements of AGO-Bs were found to show promise as an environmentally friendly trap-kill control strategy. California were found to be homozygous for the V1016I Ae. aegypti mutation in the voltage gated sodium channel gene, which is implicated to be involved in insecticide resistance. This strain originating from Clovis, California was resistant to some pyrethroids but not to deltamethrin in bottle bio-assays. Sentinel cage ultra-low-volume (ULV) trials using a new formulation of deltamethrin (DeltaGard®) demonstrated that it provided some control (average of 56% death in sentinel cages in a 91.4 m spray swath) after a single truck mounted aerial ULV application in residential areas.This article is included in the Zika & Arbovirus 2016, 5:194 Last updated: 22 MAY 2017 Amendments from Version 1The following changes are made to the version 2 of the manuscript.We clarify in our method section that our estimate of KDT50 and KDT90 was from binary logistic regression implemented in MASS library. We changed the notation from LD to LT and KD to KDT as suggested. We also remade our Figure 5 as suggested.We provide our sample size (N=26; N=13 from Clovis and N=13 from Madera) to show that the V1016I is fixed in their samples and it is very likely in at a high frequency in the local population.We added Vera-Maloof et al., 2015 paper to our discussion.Regarding the AGO-Bs trap evaluation, we fixed our error in error calculation. We also changed our figure to each observation rather than mean and confidence interval. Our results still holds that the significant reduction in mosquito captures in the treatment area but not in control area.We added the citation to the R software.We provided additional data.