A key issue
of molecular electronics (ME) is the correlation between
the molecular structure and the charge transport properties of the
molecular framework. Accordingly, a variety of model and potentially
useful molecular systems are designed, to prove a particular function
or correlation or to build a prototype device. These studies usually
involve the measurements of the static electric conductance properties
of individual molecules and their assembles on solid supports. At
the same time, information about the dynamics of the charge transport
(CT) and transfer in such systems, complementary in the context of
ME and of a scientific value on its own, is quite scarce. Among other
means, this drawback can be resolved by resonant Auger electron spectroscopy
(RAES) in combination with core hole clock (CHC) approach, as described
in this Account. The RAES-CHC scheme was applied to a variety of aliphatic
and aromatic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), adsorbed on Au(111)
over the thiolate and selenolate docking groups. Electron transfer
(ET) from a suitable terminal tail group to the substrate, across
the molecular framework, was monitored, triggered by resonant excitation
of this group (nitrile in most cases) by narrow-band X-ray radiation.
This resulted in the quantitative data for the characteristic ET time,
τET, in the femtosecond domain, with the time window
ranging from ∼1 fs to ∼120 fs. The derived τET exhibit an exponential dependence on the molecular length,
mimicking the behavior of the static conductance and suggesting a
common physical basis behind the static CT and ET dynamics. The dynamic
decay factors, β
ET, for the alkyl,
oligophenyl, and acene molecular “wires” correlate well
with the analogous parameters for the static CT. Both τET and β
ET values exhibit
a distinct dependence on the character of the involved molecular orbital
(MO), demonstrating that the efficiency and rate of the CT in molecular
assemblies can be controlled by resonant injection of the charge carriers
into specific MOs. This dependence as well as a lack of correlation
between the molecular tilt and τET represent strong
arguments in favor of the generally accepted model of CT across the
molecular framework (“through-bond”) in contrast to
“through-space” tunneling. Comparison of the SAMs with
thiolate and selenolate docking groups suggests that the use of selenolate
instead of thiolate does not give any gain in terms of ET dynamics
or molecular conductance. Whereas a certain difference in the efficiency
of the electronic coupling of thiolate and selenolate to the substrate
cannot be completely excluded, this difference is certainly too small
to affect the performance of the entire molecule to a noticeable extent.
The efficient electronic coupling of the thiolate docking group to
the substrate was verified and the decoupling of the electronic subsystems
of the substrate and π-conjugated segment by introduction of
methylene group into the backbone was demonstrated. No correlation
between the molecular dipole or fluorine substi...