R e s e a R c h a R t i c l e3 4 9 2 jci.org Volume 125 Number 9 September 2015Other factors are likely involved, since over 80 genes were differentially expressed (at least 2-fold) in the TIE2-L914F endothelial cells compared with WT (30). We hypothesized that mutant TIE2 in endothelial cells is sufficient to cause VM. Here, we show that HUVECs engineered to Previous studies on mutant TIE2 showed that expression of TIE2-L914F or TIE2-R849W in HUVECs increased activation of AKT and of . Elevated AKT signaling in these cells has been linked to increased survival (29, 30) and to reduced production of PDGF-B (30), a major player in mural cell recruitment.