“…In part due to the increasing viability of quantum computing and the scaling of NISQ [28] devices, there has been a recent explosion in quantum programming tools. Such tools range from software development kits (e.g., Qiskit [5], ProjectQ [32], Strawberry Fields [19], Pyquil [30]) to Embedded domain-specific languages (e.g., Quipper [11], Qwire [27], Q|SI [22]) and standalone languages and compilers (e.g., QCL [26], QML [2], ScaffCC [16], Q# [33]). Going beyond strict programming tools, software for the synthesis, optimization, and simulation of quantum circuits and programs (e.g., Revkit [31], TOpt [15], Feynman [3], PyZX [20], Quan-tum++ [9], QX [17]) are becoming more and more abundant.…”