In this work, we analyse the CP-averaged branching ratios and direct CP-violating asymmetries of the fourbody decays B 0 S → ππππ decay from the S-wave resonances, f0(980) and f0(500) and P-wave resonances, ρ(770) by introducing the S-wave and P-wave ππ distribution amplitudes within the framework of the perturbative QCD approach. We also calculate branching ratios of the two-body decays B 0 S → ρ 0 ρ 0 , B 0 S → ρ + ρ − from the corresponding quasi-two-body decays models and compare our our results with those obtained in previous perturbative QCD approach, QCD factorization approach and FAT approach, it is found that the predictions are consistent with present dates within errors. The branching ratios of our calculations for the four-body decays B 0 S → ππππ are at the order of the 10 −8 . For the CP-violating asymmetries, we found that CP-violating asymmetry can be enhanced largely by the ρ − ω mixing resonances when ππ pairs masses are in the vicinity of ω resonance.