We show how CP violating B meson oscillations in conjunction with baryon number violating decays can generate the cosmological asymmetry between matter and anti-matter, and explore the parameter space of a simple, self-contained model, which can be tested via exotic B meson decays, and via the charge asymmetry in semi-leptonic decays of neutral B mesons.PACS numbers:
I. INTRODUCTIONBaryogenesis-generating the cosmological asymmetry between matter and anti-matter-requires physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). The pioneering work of Sakharov[1] found three necessary conditions: baryon number violation, C and CP violation, and departure from thermal equilibrium. Baryon number violation occurs non-perturbatively in the Standard Model [2]. CP violation also occurs, however the standard model CP violation appears to be too small to explain the observed baryon asymmetry. Finally, the minimal Standard Model contains no mechanism for departure from thermal equilibrium.Recent work [3,4] has shown the possibility for low energy baryogenesis via the oscillations of neutral hadrons, in conjunction with new sources of CP and baryon number violation. In ref.[4], the oscillating hadrons were mesinos-bound states of a quark and an anti-squark. In that work a relatively long-lived squark decayed into anti-quarks via baryon number violating R-parity violating decays. A minimal model to capture this physics was studied in detail-that model contained three neutral Majorana fermions ('neutralinos') and a color triplet scalar ('squark'). The same model, in a different parameter region with lighter neutralinos, was shown to lead to baryogenesis via potentially observable baryon and CP violating neutral heavy flavor baryon oscillations [3,5]. A similar model, in which baryon number is conserved but also carried by dark matter, was shown to be capable of producing both the visible matter-anti-matter asymmetry and asymmetric dark matter [6] via B-meson decays. In the present work, we reexamine the simpler model of ref. [4], and show that for a different parameter range that was not considered in the previous work, baryon number violating decays of B 0 mesons are allowed by experiment, potentially observable, and could be the explanation for baryogenesis.The baryogenesis scenario described here begins in the pre-nucleosynthesis early universe with the decays of a long lived scalar into b−quarks and anti-quarks. These * Electronic address: anelson@phys.washington.edu † Electronic address: huangyu@uw.edu