The IEEE 802.16e standard includes several features that aid data capacity. When dealing with real-time applications such as video conference services, however, it quickly depletes its resources. The quality of the video, on the other hand, is a crucial factor for the user. There is a tradeoff between the video quality and the resources available. In this paper the influence of frame length on video applications was investigated by examining the effect of four frame lengths (5,10,15, and 20 mSec) on the Packet Delay Variation, End-to-end packet delay, traffic sent and received with modulation type 64QAM and high quality of video conference application are used. The optimal frame length was found to be 10 milliseconds, with the Packet Delay Variation being the smallest, the Packet End-to-End Delay being the shortest, and the number of received packets being equal to the number of sent packets.