Abstract. The distortion of a curve measures the maximum arc/chord length ratio. Gromov showed that any closed curve has distortion at least π/2 and asked about the distortion of knots. Here, we prove that any nontrivial tame knot has distortion at least 5π/3; examples show that distortion under 7.16 suffices to build a trefoil knot. Our argument uses the existence of a shortest essential secant and a characterization of borderline-essential arcs.Gromov introduced the notion of distortion for curves as the supremal ratio of arclength to chord length. (See [Gro78], [Gro83, p. 114] and [GLP81,.) He showed that any closed curve has distortion δ ≥ π / 2 , with equality only for a circle. He then asked whether every knot type can be built with, say, δ ≤ 100.As Gromov knew, there are infinite families with such a uniform bound. For instance, an open trefoil (a long knot with straight ends) can be built with δ < 10.7, as follows from an explicit computation for a simple shape. Then connect sums of arbitrarily many trefoils-even infinitely many, as in Despite such examples, many people expect a negative answer to Gromov's question. We provide a first step in this direction, namely a lower bound depending on knottedness: we prove that any nontrivial tame knot has δ ≥ 5π / 3 , more than three times the minimum for an unknot.To make further progress on the original question, one should try to bound distortion in terms of some measure of knot complexity. Examples such as Figure 1 show that crossing number and even bridge number are too strong: distortion can stay bounded as they go to infinity. Perhaps it is worth investigating hull number [CKKS03,Izm06].Our bound δ ≥ 5π / 3 arises from considering essential secants of the knot, a notion introduced by Kuperberg [Kup94] and developed further in [DDS06]. There, we used the essential alternating quadrisecants of [Den04] to give a good lower bound for the ropelength [GM99, CKS02] of nontrivial knots.The main tool in [DDS06] was a geometric characterization of a borderlineessential arc (quoted here as Theorem 1.1), showing that its endpoints are part of an essential trisecant. This result captures the intuition that in order for an arc to become essential, it must wrap around some other point of the knot; but it also demonstrates that secants to that other point are themselves essential. This theorem will be important for our distortion bounds as well.