We have investigated the quadrupole ordering of 4f-electrons and the rattling motion of guest rare-earth ions in the clathrate compound Pr 3 Pd 20 Ge 6 using ultrasonic measurements. The elastic constants ðC 11 À C 12 Þ=2 and C 44 exhibit considerable softening at low temperatures. A minimum of ðC 11 À C 12 Þ=2 at T Q1 ¼ 0:25 K indicates antiferroquadrupole ordering associated with a À 3 doublet of a crystal-field ground state at the 8c site, while a minimum of C 44 at T Q2 ¼ 60 mK indicates the ferroquadrupole ordering of a À 5 triplet of a crystal-field ground state at the 4a site. The antiferroquadrupole phase depending on magnetic field direction shows a highly anisotropic behavior. The fieldinduced ordered phase due to the level crossing of the CEF ground state at the 8c site in magnetic fields along the [001] direction has been found. Furthermore, for the elastic constant C 44 and the attenuation coefficient 44 we found a frequency dependence at two different temperatures of 15 and 25 K, which we describe in terms of the Debye-type dispersion with an Arrhenius-type relaxation time ¼ 0 expðE=k B T Þ for two different activation energies of E L ¼ 102 K and E H ¼ 198 K. These ultrasonic dispersions are caused by the thermally activated rattling motions of guest rare-earth Pr 3þ ions at the 4a site of Pr 3 Pd 20 Ge 6 .