Hypertension and stress are the most prevalent risk factors in cardiovascular diseases, causing impact on quality of life of hypertensive patients. It is the aim of the study to assess the vulnerability to stress of hypertension patients and identify the factors of vulnerability to stress which interfere with quality of life of hypertension patients. Non experimental study, quantitative, transversal, descriptive and correlational. With a sample of 431 hypertension patients. Data collection took place from June to September 2012, through a questionnaire with questions concerning socio-demographic data, clinical, evaluation of the quality of life of hypertensive patients and evaluation of vulnerability to Stress. The main results are 43,15% were male, 56,84% female aged between 30 and 95 years old. There is influence of gender, age, marital status, education, employment status, cohabitation and monthly income, both in vulnerability to stress as in quality of life. Worse quality of life, female literacy, with average higher than male (M = 8,81 in mental status, M = 3,93 in somatic manifestations and M = 0,73 in overall impact). The vulnerability to stress has also an influence on the quality of life. 44,2% of hypertensive patients are vulnerable to stress, with percentage value for females (51,2%). It is essential to know the factors of vulnerability to stress predictors of quality of life of hypertension patients in order to operate and improve their quality of life.