O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar seis cultivares de pessegueiro produzidas nos Campo das Vertentes, quanto aos compostos físicos, físico-químicos e bioativos. Foram avaliadas as cultivares Aurora, Top Bilt, Fascínio, “PS", Campari e Maciel. As análises realizadas foram: cor, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis (SS), firmeza, carotenoides, compostos fenólicos totais, antocianinas e vitamina C. Os resultados indicaram que houve diferença significativa entre todas as cultivares de pêssego em todos os parâmetros avaliados. Quanto à coloração, as cultivares mais claras foram Maciel e PS. Todas as amostras apresentaram valores de a* e b* indicando uma cor amarela avermelhada. O pH oscilou entre 3,68 e 4,72, enquanto a acidez titulável ficou entre 0,38% e 2,26%, sendo a cultivar Campari a mais ácida e Aurora a menos ácida. O SS das cultivares ficou entre 5,33% (PS) e 12,66% (Aurora). A cultivar mais firme foi a Top Bilt. O teor de Compostos Fenólicos não diferiu entre as cultivares, com média de 2,79 mg/100 g. Quanto às antocianinas, Aurora e Fascínio obtiveram os maiores teores (média de 12,82 mg/100 g). A cultivar Maciel apresentou o maior teor de vitamina C (29,35 mg/100 g). Concluiu-se que a cultivar Top Bilt apresentou coloração mais amarelada e firme, Fascínio obteve maior pH, Campari maior acidez, Aurora maior teor de SS. Quanto aos compostos bioativos, a cultivar Maciel se destaca por possuir maior teor de carotenoides e vitamina C.
Palavras-chave: Prunus persica L. Batsh. Compostos bioativos, coloração, cultivares, análises físico-químicas.
Temperate climate peach cultivars - Campo of Vertentes - MG
The objective of this research was to evaluate six peach cultivars produced in Campo das Vertentes in terms of physical, physical-chemical and bioactive compounds. The cultivars Aurora, Top Bilt, Fascínio, PS, Campari and Maciel were evaluated. The analyzes performed were color, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids (SS), firmness, carotenoids, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and vitamin C. The results indicated that there was a significant difference among all peach cultivars in all evaluated parameters. Regarding the coloration, the lightest cultivars were Maciel and PS. All samples had a* and b* values indicating a reddish yellow color. The pH fluctuated between 3.68 and 4.72, whereas the titratable acidity was between 0.38% and 2.26%, with the Campari cultivar being the most acidic and Aurora the least acidic. The SS of the cultivars was between 5.33% (PS) and 12.66% (Aurora). The firmest cultivar was Top Bilt. The content of Phenolic Compounds did not differ among cultivars, with an average of 2.79 mg/100 g. As for anthocyanins, Aurora and Fascínio obtained highest levels (average of 12.82 mg/100 g). The Maciel cultivar had the highest vitamin C content (29.35 mg/100 g). It was concluded that the Top Bilt cultivar had a more yellowish and firmer color, Fascínio obtained a higher pH, Campari had higher acidity, Aurora had a higher SS content. As for bioactive compounds, the Maciel cultivar is stands out for having a higher content of carotenoids and vitamin C.
Keywords: Prunus persica L. Batsh. Bioactive compounds, coloration, cultivars, physicochemical analysis.