Reactivity boundaries that divide the destination and the origin of trajectories are of crucial importance to reveal the mechanism of reactions. We investigate whether such reactivity boundaries can be extracted for higher index saddles in terms of a nonlinear canonical transformation successful for index-one saddles by using a model system with an index-two saddle. It is found that the true reactivity boundaries do not coincide with those extracted by the transformation taking into account a nonlinearity in the region of the saddle even for small perturbations, and the discrepancy is more pronounced for the less repulsive direction of the index-two saddle system. The present result indicates an importance of the global properties of the phase space to identify the reactivity boundaries, relevant to the question of what reactant and product are in phase space, for saddles with index more than one. Saddle points and the dynamics in their vicinities play crucial roles in chemical reactions. A saddle point on a multidimensional potential energy surface is defined as a stationary point at which the Hessian matrix does not have zero eigenvalues and, at least, one of the eigenvalues is negative. Saddle points are classified by the number of the negative eigenvalues, and a saddle that has n negative eigenvalues is called an index-n saddle. An index-one saddle on a potential surface has especially long been considered to make a bottleneck for reactions [1][2][3], the sole unstable direction corresponding to the "reaction coordinate." This is because index-one saddles are considered to be the lowest energy stationary point connecting two potential minima, of which one corresponds to the reactant and the other to the product, and the system must traverse the index-one saddle from the reactant to the product [4][5][6][7].To estimate reaction rate constants across the saddles, transition state theory was proposed [1][2][3], by envisaging the existence of a nonrecrossing dividing surface [i.e., transition state (TS)] in the region of an index-one saddle. Recent studies of nonlinear dynamics in the vicinity of index-one saddles have revealed the firm theoretical ground for the robust existence of the no-return TS in the phase space [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] (see also Refs. [25,26], and references therein). and systems with rovibrational couplings [18,19] and showed the robust existence of reaction boundaries even while a no-return TS ceases to exist [13].For complex molecular systems, the potential energy surface becomes more complicated, and transitions from a potential basin to another involve not only index-one saddles but also higher index saddles [28][29][30]. For example, it was shown in a computer simulation of an inert gas cluster containing seven atoms that transitions from a solid-like phase to a liquid-like phase occur mostly through index-two saddles rather than through index-one saddle with the increase of kinetic temperature [29]. This indicates that the more rugged a ...