Pratishyaya is one among the Nasagata roga & is a complex disease involving several symptomatology and diverse pathogenesis. It is one of the common disorders of children known for its recurrence and chronicity. It could lead to complications such as Kasa, Shwasa then Kshaya if not managed in time. Recurrence of this disease can be attributed to lower level of immunity in children due to Asampurna bala and hence we need such a drug to improve the immunity to prevent recurrence and complications. Vachadi syrup is one such medi cine which serves the purpose, with this aim this trial has been taken up. It is an open labeled clinical trial where 30 children of age group 4-12 yrs with the signs and symptoms of Pratishyaya were enrolled. Vachadi syrup was given in a dose of 5ml 8 th hourly for 4-8yrs and 10ml 8 th hourly for 8-12yrs for 7 days, clinical assessment was done by grading both subjective and objective criteria. Vachadi Syrup shows highly significant results in clinical symptoms of Pratishyaya & laboratory investigations. Pratishyaya is the disease condition in which Vata and Kapha vitiation is observed, Vachadi sryup shows the dominancy of Tikta, Kashaya and Katu Rasa, Ushna Virya(hot potency), Katu Vipaka (post digestion) which helps in alleviating Vata & Kapha by breaking down the pathogenesis. The clinical trial suggested that the Vachadi syrup is effective and safe herbal formulation in reducing the signs and symptoms of Pratishyaya.