Ion chromatography (IC) has been widely used in the determination of ionic species in drinking water, surface water, wastewater, etc. In most cases, the sample pretreatment involves only simple operations, such as filtration, protein precipitation, pH adjustment, dilution, and the extraction of the analytes. In some cases, the sample pretreatment can be difficult when the concentration of target ions in the sample is very low, or when the concentrations of the ionic matrix are too high relative to the analytes.Sample pre-concentration has been widely employed in HPLC in order to achieve a high concentration sensitivity separation of analytes.Liu et al. 1 proposed a simple sample preconcentration for the determination of trace levels of bromate and perchlorate in drinking water. The drinking-water sample was first treated with an Ag cartridge, and then concentrated 20-fold using a domestic microwave oven. A method for on-line pre-concentration and determination of Cr(VI) traces was developed by Padarauskas et al.2 by using a C18 column (50 × 6 mm i.d.). The technique has been successfully applied to the determination of Cr(VI) traces in drinking water as well as surface and ground-water samples.Efforts have also been made to inject large sample volumes 3,4 in order to enhance the detection sensitivity. In these trials, the advantage of combining microcolumn LC and particle beam MS is that this allows the determination of acidic pesticides at very low concentrations. The sample volume that could be injected into a packed capillary column was increased by 800 times. 4 Takeuchi and Ishii developed a precolumn concentration method in ultra-micro HPLC, and examined its application to trace analysis. 5 It was proven that the precolumns, which were about 1/10 to 3/10 of the length of the separation column, had shown a good enrichment efficiency in the separation of phthalates in water and corticosteroids in serum.The precolumn concentration method is a useful pretreatment in the analysis of real samples by microcolumn LC, particularly in the analysis of biological samples, 6,7 as well as for environmental hormones analysis. 8,9 Similarly, on-column enrichment is also performed in order to increase the sensitivity of detection. However, the on-column method is normally employed when using either gradient elution or a trap column, or when diluting the sample with a weak solvent. In these cases, it is common to inject large sample volumes in order to enhance the detection sensitivity. 10 On the other hand, in the case of a simple isocratic mode, large injection volumes would produce a wide initial sample zone, and thus create a large precolumn dispersion that severely degrades the resolution.Inorganic anions have a very close relation to environmental water.Lopez-Ruiz reviewed the advancement in the determination of inorganic anions by IC from 1997 to 1999. 11 These topics include new sample pretreatments, new separation methods, new detection systems, and the latest applications in the fields of environment, water, food, ...