Optical depth records indicate that volcanic aerosols from major eruptions often produce clouds that have greater surface area than typical Arctic polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). A trajectory cloudchemistry model is used to study how volcanic aerosols could affect springtime Arctic ozone loss processes, such as chlorine activation and denitrification, in a cold winter within the current range of natural variability. Several studies indicate that severe denitrification can increase Arctic ozone loss by up to 30%. We show large PSC particles that cause denitrification in a nonvolcanic stratosphere cannot efficiently form in a volcanic environment. However, volcanic aerosols, when present at low altitudes, where Arctic PSCs cannot form, can extend the vertical range of chemical ozone loss in the lower stratosphere. Chemical processing on volcanic aerosols over a 10-km altitude range could increase the current levels of springtime column ozone loss by up to 70% independent of denitrification. Climate models predict that the lower stratosphere is cooling as a result of greenhouse gas built-up in the troposphere. The magnitude of column ozone loss calculated here for the 1999 -2000 Arctic winter, in an assumed volcanic state, is similar to that projected for a colder future nonvolcanic stratosphere in the 2010 decade.E ruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of 4 or higher produce significant stratospheric injections (1, 2). Sulfur dioxide (2), the most important atmospheric component of volcanic emissions, is converted into sulfate aerosols after injection into the stratosphere. More than 100 eruptions with VEIs Ն 4 are thought to have occurred in the past 500 years (1). However, only about half of all large eruptions are sulfur-rich (2, 3). Both the 1982 El Chichon (VEI ϭ 4) (4) and 1991 Mt. Pinatubo (VEI ϭ 5) (5) eruptions were sulfur-rich, producing volcanic clouds in the stratosphere that lasted for a number of years (6). On the other hand, the relatively sulfur-poor eruption of Mt. St. Helens (VEI ϭ 5) (2, 7) in 1980 contributed very little sulfate mass to the stratospheric aerosol layer (6). The fact that Mt. St. Helens' plume was emitted at an angle also reduced the amount of possible stratospheric injections by this volcano. Nevertheless, large sulfate-rich eruptions are common (6). Therefore, it is important to understand to what extent these eruptions could affect the Arctic ozone layer in the next 30 years or so, while anthropogenic chlorine levels are still sufficiently high [Ϸ3 parts per billion in volume (ppbv)] to cause severe ozone depletion (8, 9).Model simulations (10) have shown that the early rapid growth of the Antarctic ''ozone hole'' in the early 1980s may have been influenced (in part) by a number of large volcanic eruptions. The goal of this study is to explore how a large eruption could affect Arctic ozone loss processes, such as chlorine activation and denitrification, in a cold year within the current range of natural variability. It is projected that the Arctic climate may be ...