Regional projections and write-ups were produced in coordination with country teams, country directors, and the offices of the regional chief economists. Sources: Haver Analytics, World Bank. A.C.E.F. Shaded areas indicate forecasts. A. EMDEs = emerging market and developing economies. Aggregate growth rates calculated using constant 2010 U.S. dollar GDP weights. Data for 2017 are estimates. B. Figure shows Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for manufacturing output and new export orders. Readings above 50 indicate expansion in economic activity; readings below 50 indicate contraction. Last observation is April 2018. C. Simple average of GDP growth. Orange lines indicate interquartile ranges of growth in each group. D. Global GDP levels in constant 2010 U.S. dollars, indexed to 100 at start of expansion periods. Cycle dates based on global recessions and slowdowns identified in Kose and Terrones (2015). Dashed line corresponds to 2018-20 forecasts. E. Trade measured as the average of export and import volumes. F. SAR = South Asia and SSA = Sub-Saharan Africa. GDP per capita calculated using constant 2010 U.S. dollar GDP weights. Click here to download data and charts. A. Global growth B. Global manufacturing output and export orders C. Growth in commodity-exporting EMDEs D. Global GDP during expansion periods E. Global trade and investment growth, volumes F. Per capita EMDE GDP growth, by region B. Share of countries with upgrades in 10-year-ahead growth forecasts D. Global growth forecasts, by forecast horizon A. Ten-year-ahead global growth forecasts C. One-to three-year-ahead global growth forecasts FIGURE 1.1.1 Growth forecasts: Global, groups, and aggregates After a prolonged period of downgrades, long-term forecasts of global growth, per capita growth, investment, and consumption may have stabilized in 2018, while short-term forecasts have been upgraded recently. This still leaves current long-term forecasts considerably lower than a decade ago. Downgrades were particularly steep, but started later (after the global financial crisis), for EMDEs than for advanced economies. Sources: Consensus Economics, United Nations, World Bank. Notes: Sample includes 38 countries, consisting of 20 advanced economies and 18 EMDEs, for which consensus forecasts are consistently available during 1998-2018. These economies account for 87 percent of global GDP over 2010-18. Unless otherwise noted, annual averages of results from multiple surveys conducted in each year are presented. A.B.E.F. The horizontal axis refers to the year of consensus forecast surveys. A.C.D.E. Global, advanced-economy, and EMDE growth is computed with constant 2010 U.S. dollar GDP weights. A. Per capita global output growth is computed as the difference between 10-year-ahead global growth forecasts and population growth estimates in the years for which forecast surveys are conducted. B. Share of countries with positive changes in 10-year-ahead growth forecasts from the previous year. C. Lines are based on consensus forecast surveys conducted in Septembe...