The influence of cortisol and prolactin on casein gene expression in the mammary gland of lactating BALB/c mice was measured by using a specific cDNA probe to 15S casein mRNA (cDNAcsn Since the establishment that cortisol and prolactin are the two principal hormones required for lactogenesis (2, 3) (differentiation) as well as production of casein (4) in murine mammary gland, numerous studies have attempted to ascertain the role(s) of the adrenal steroid and the pituitary polypeptide hormones in regulation of the milk protein, casein (5-8), and its mRNA (mRNA,,n) (9,10 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and Treatments. Two groups of 5-day postpartum BALB/c mice, each mouse nursing 5-7 pups, were bilaterally adrenalectomized under pentabarbitol anesthesia. Five days later mice in one group were killed. The second group of 5-day adrenalectomized mice were given a single subcutaneous injection of 250 ,g of hydrocortisone-21-acetate in 0.1 ml of 0.9% saline. Batches of these animals were killed at different times after the injection. In order to obtain lactating animals with reduced serum prolactin level, unoperated mice in another group were given daily injections of 100 Mug of the prolactin inhibitor (15), 2-bromo-a-ergocryptene (CB-154), for 3 day$ starting on the 8th day of lactation. These animals were killed on the 10th day of lactation, 6 hr after the last injection of the ergot alkaloid. Ten-day lactating mice were used as nontreated controls. All the animals were allowed to nurse their pups throughout the experimental period. Immediately after the animals were killed mammary glands were removed, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80°C.In Vitro RNA Synthesis in Isolated Nuclei and SH-Agarose Chromatography. Isolation of the nuclei and in vitro RNA synthesis in the presence of a mercury-labeled nucleotide (Hg-CTP) were as described (11). Essentially, the same number of nuclei (200 ,ig of DNA per ml of reaction mixture) was used in each 1-ml assay mixture. At the end of a 60-min incubation at 25°C, RNA was extracted by the phenol/chloroform method (11) in the presence of wheat germ high molecular weight RNA as carrier (150-fold excess over endogenous nuclear RNA). After 10 min of heat denaturation at 75°C, the Hg-RNA was isolated by SH-agarose column chromatography as described (11,12) and precipitated with ethanol in the presence of Escherichia coli tRNA. For quantitation, Hg-RNA synthesized in vitro was labeled with [a-32P]UTP (New England Nuclear) of low specific activity (50 cpm/pmol).Casein mRNA Purification, Synthesis of cDNAk.n, and Molecular Hybridization. Phenol/chloroform-extracted (16) mammary gland RNA from 8-to 11-day lactating mice was heat denatured and subjected to two successive oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatographic purifications according to standard Abbreviations: Hg-CTP, 5-mercuricytidine triphosphate; Hg-RNA, RNA containing Hg-CTP; mRNA,,,, 15S casein mRNA; cDNAcn, complementary DNA to mRNA.,n; CB-154, 2-bromo-a-ergocryptene; Rot, moles of ribonucleotide per liter x time (sec); Ro...