Wpłynęło w styczniu 2017 r. Zaakceptowano w marcu 2017 r. 1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Źródła chityny i jej struktura. 3. Chitynazy-budowa i działanie. 4. Bakterie produkujące chitynazy. 5. Rola chitynaz bakteryjnych w biotechnologii zielonej. 6. Wykorzystanie chitynaz w biotechnologii białej. 7. Wykorzystanie chitynaz w biotechnologii czerwonej. 8. Podsumowanie Bacterial chitinases and their application in biotechnology Abstract: Chitin, an insoluble linear β-1,4-linked polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature after cellulose. It is present in cell walls of several fungi, exoskeletons of insects and crustacean shells. Enzymatic hydrolysis of this polysaccharide is carried out in the presence of glycoside hydrolases-chitinases. They are produced by microorganisms, insects, plants, and animal, but it is the bacterial chitinases which play a fundamental role in degradation of the chitin. Chitinases and their products, chito-oligomers, have been of interest in recent years due to their wide range of applications in agriculture, medicine and industry. This review focuses on the enzymatic properties of the bacterial chitinases and their potential applications in various kinds of biotechnology. 1. Introduction. 2. Sources of chitin and its structure. 3. Chitinases-structure and function. 4. Chitinase-producing bacteria. 5. The role of bacterial chitinases in green biotechnology. 6. Application of chitinases in white biotechnology. 7. Application of chitinases in red biotechnology. 8. Summary