. (2014) Sole struc tures as a tool for depositional en vi ron ment in ter pre ta tion; a case study from the Oligocene Cergowa Sand stone, Dukla Unit (Outer Carpathians, Slovakia). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 58 (1): 41-50, doi: 10.7306/gq.1128 Sole struc tures, typ i cally de vel oped on basal bed ding sur faces of turbidite sand stones, are com monly used as palaeocurrent in di ca tors and in di ca tors of the cur rent abil ity to erode. De tailed anal y sis of types and fre quency of sole struc tures in the 128-m-thick suc ces sion of Lower Oligocene Cergowa Sand stone (Outer West ern Carpathians) also shows their po ten tial as an in di ca tor of flow prop er ties dur ing the de po si tion. The mas sive and amal gam ated sand stones, pre dom i nantly con tain ing load struc tures and mi nor grooves with uni di rec tional ori en ta tion, are sug gested to be de pos ited by high-den sity tur bid ity currents and de bris flows. A wide range of sole struc tures in thick and me dium thick-bed ded sand stones, sug gest ing oblique and re verse flows com pared to the main palaeoflow di rec tion, im plies de po si tion from den sity-strat i fied flows where the lower, denser part has a ten dency to de flect when hits a ba sin floor ob sta cle. The up per, less dense part has an abil ity to come over the ob sta cle and shows only small scat ter in the palaeocurrent di rec tion.