Significance: This review article puts together all the studies performed so far in realizing terahertz (THz) spectra as a probing mechanism for burn evaluation, summarizing their experimental conditions, observations, outcomes, merits, and demerits, along with a comparative discussion of other currently used technologies to present the state of art in a condensed manner. The key features of this noncontact investigation technique like its precise burn depth analysis and the approaches it follows to convert the probed data into a quantitative measure have also been discussed in this article. Recent Advances: The current research developments in THz regime observed in device design technologies (like THz time domain spectrometer, quantum cascade THz lasers, THz single-photon detectors, etc.) and in understanding its unique properties (like nonionizing nature, penetrability through dry dielectrics, etc.) have motivated the research world to realize THz window as a potential candidate for burn detection. Critical Issues: Application of appropriate medical measure for burn injury is primarily subjective to proper estimation of burn depth. Tool modality distinguishing between partial and full-thickness burn contributing toward correct medical care is indeed awaited. Future Directions: The overview of THz imaging as a burn assessment tool as provided in this article will certainly help in further nurturing of this emerging diagnostic technique particularly in improving its detection and accompanied image processing methods so that the minute nuances captured by the THz beam can be correlated with the physiological-anatomical changes in skin structures, caused by burn, for better sensitivity, resolution, and quantitative analysis.
SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCEIn this review article we have started by introducing a critical overview of the current technologies used for burn assessment and subsequently have discussed the prospect of terahertz (THz) frequency regime to be leveraged as a future alternative, overcoming the limitations of the current analysis techniques. First, we have discussed how THz technology evolved over time, primarily focusing on its biological applications, then moved forward with its interaction with water that determines the THz spectral window that can be used for this purpose, followed by a discussion on the features of THz imaging systems developed and finally putting together the promising results so far achieved in this domain.
TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCEAlthough histological specimen analysis always have proved to be the best assessment tool, its invasive and time-consuming nature 1 created the Moumita Dutta, BTech