Objectives-Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) produce both matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, enzymes with similar in vitro matrix degrading abilities. We compared the specific contributions of these enzymes to SMC-matrix interactions in vitro and in vivo. Methods and Results-Using genetic models of deficiency, we investigated MMP-2 and MMP-9 roles in SMC migration in vivo in the formation of intimal hyperplasia and in vitro. In addition, we investigated potential effects of MMP-2 and MMP-9 genetic deficiency on compaction and assembly of collagen by SMCs. Conclusions-MMP-2 and MMP-9 genetic deficiency decreased by 81% and 65%, respectively (PϽ0.01), SMC invasion in vitro and decreased formation of intimal hyperplasia in vivo (PϽ0.01). However, we found that MMP-9, but not MMP-2, was necessary for organization of collagen by SMCs. Likewise, we found that MMP-9 deficiency resulted in a 50% reduction of SMC attachment to gelatin (PϽ0.01), indicating that SMCs may use MMP-9 as a bridge between the cell surface and matrix. Furthermore, we found that the hyaluronan receptor, CD44, assists in attachment and utilization of MMP-9 by SMCs. Understanding the specific roles of these MMPs, generally thought to be similar, could improve the design of therapeutic interventions aimed at controlling vascular remodeling.
See page 10The movement of SMCs through the matrix necessitates degradation of various components, including the basement membrane and elastic lamina, likely with the aid of a family of enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). SMCs produce pro-MMP-2 basally in normal blood vessels and in culture and other MMPs, including MMP-9, after cytokine stimulation in vitro, in human atherosclerotic lesions, 3,4 and after balloon injury. 5 MMP inhibition either through adenoviral delivery of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 6 or by a synthetic general MMP inhibitor 7 was shown to decrease SMC migration and subsequent intimal hyperplasia in the rat vascular injury model. MMP-2 and -9 are largely thought to have similar functions based on sharing substrate affinity in vitro, 8 namely short collagens, degradation products of interstitial collagen, and elastin. To begin to elucidate potential differences in their roles in vivo in relation to vascular remodeling, we comparatively investigated the functional effect of MMP-2 or MMP-9 genetic deficiency on SMC interaction with matrix in vivo and in vitro using genetically deficient MMP-2 or MMP-9 (KO) mice.