The cell cycle, with its highly conserved features, is a fundamental driver for the temporal control of cell proliferation-while abnormal control and modulation of the cell cycle are characteristic of tumor cells. The principle aim in cancer biology is to seek an understanding of the origin and nature of innate and acquired heterogeneity at the cellular level, driven principally by temporal and functional asynchrony. A major bottleneck when mathematically modeling these biological systems is the lack of interlinked structured experimental data. This often results in the in silico models failing to translate the specific hypothesis into parameterized terms that enable robust validation and hence would produce suitable prediction tools rather than just simulation tools. The focus has been on linking data originating from different cytometric platforms and cellbased event analysis to inform and constrain the input parameters of a compartmental cell cycle model, hence partly measuring and deconvolving cell cycle heterogeneity within a tumor population. Our work has addressed the concept that the interoperability of cytometric data, derived from different cytometry platforms, can complement as well as enhance cellular parameters space, thus providing a more broader and in-depth view of the cellular systems. The initial aim was to enable the cell cycle model to deliver an improved integrated simulation of the well-defined and constrained biological system. From a modeling perspective, such a cross platform approach has provided a paradigm shift from conventional cross-validation approaches, and from a bioinformatics perspective, novel computational methodology has been introduced for integrating and mapping continuous data with cross-sectional data. This establishes the foundation for developing predictive models and in silico tracking and prediction of tumor progression. '
International Society for Advancement of CytometryKey terms cell cycle; lineage; data interoperability; timelapse microscopy; flow cytometry; bioinformatics; mathematical modeling SIGNIFICANT challenges exist in obtaining the emergent features and patterns of cellular populations influenced by an external perturbation; particularly as there is a need to couple or account for the network of inter-relationships between cells in a proliferating system (1-4). The long-term systems biology requirement is to integrate single cell bifurcation maps (i.e., lineages) with functional information from molecular pathways that include the networks that describe the overall tissue system. There is a second pragmatic requirement to generate time-series experimental data that is suitable to parameterize, calibrate and validate mathematical models (5).Classically, the mammalian cell cycle engine acts as the primary descriptor for cellular dynamic responses, the large-scale acquisition and synthesis of multiparameter data from individual cells provide an understanding of the behavior of the system as a whole (6). The cell cycle represents a temporal sequenc...