The plague bacillus Yersinia pestis can achieve transmission by biofilm blockage of the foregut proventriculus of its flea vector. Hfq is revealed to be essential for biofilm blockage formation and acquisition and fitness of Y. pestis during flea gut infection, consistent with posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms in plague transmission.Y ersinia pestis, the etiological agent of bubonic plague, is transmitted to humans by fleabite. Colonization and biofilm formation by Y. pestis in the flea gut are essential steps for proventricular foregut blockage and facilitate subsequent transmission of Y. pestis during "frustrated feeding" by an infected flea (16,20). The known transmission factors hmsHFRS, gmhA, and ymt are required for flea-borne transmission but are dispensable for infection within the mammalian host (8,(16)(17)(18)(19). Whole-genome comparative transcriptional profiling revealed, however, that these three genes are not differentially transcribed during Y. pestis biofilm formation and gut blockage of the flea relative to temperature-matched in vitro conditions (40). Clearly, the transcriptome provides only a first order of gene regulation, while a second order of posttranscriptional regulation may shape the unique flea-associated biofilm that allows transmission. This is in keeping with the emerging paradigm for extensive posttranscriptionally regulated virulence in numerous bacterial pathogens (6,25,29,(32)(33)(34) The hfq gene is abundantly transcribed during Y. pestis biofilm proventricular blockage (40), predicting a second order of posttranscriptional regulation directed by Hfq during Y. pestis flea infection. To investigate the role of Hfq in mediating flea gut blockage, an hfq deletion mutant in the Y. pestis KIM6ϩ strain was constructed using the lambda red recombinase system (9). This strain contains the hmsHFRS gene locus required for the synthesis of extracellular matrix polysaccharide (EPS) essential for biofilm formation and flea foregut blockage (18,31,39). We hypothesized that the ⌬hfq mutant growing in vitro at the 21°C insect host temperature or within the flea gut would be impaired in its growth and biofilm gut blockage capability essential for plague survival and transmission.Growth of a Y. pestis KIM6؉ hfq deletion mutant. Functional mutations of hfq frequently result in compromised bacterial growth fitness (6, 13), including in Y. pestis growing at the mammalian host temperature of 37°C versus laboratory growth at 28°C (3, 13). Here, at 21°C, the insect host temperature, the ⌬hfq mutant, relative to its isogenic wild type, exhibited a significantly impaired specific growth rate and a decrease in stationary-phase cell density (Fig. 1A) similar to those seen with growth at 37°C (3, 13) and at 28°C (Fig. 1B) in brain heart infusion broth (BHI). The ⌬hfq mutant, complemented with the native gene and promoter region of hfq on a high-copy-number plasmid, pCR4-TOPO (Invitrogen), sufficiently rescued this growth fitness defect in BHI broth. However, the ⌬hfq mutant showed no significant...